2023 Fall: UBC Public Humanities Hub, Writing Short is Hard

Our Collaborative Cohort Projects employ a team of current Arts graduate students who work with a community partner on a project identified by that partner. Together the student team and their partner organization determine a final approach to the project. The student team divides the work according to their expertise and interests and each person completes a component of the project. Students who complete the project receive an $1800 stipend in exchange for 70 hours of work.

New for Fall 2023, an opportunity to work with the Public Humanities Hub to map public humanities research and research support within the wider UBC-O and UBC-V communities.

Project Description

The UBC Public Humanities Hub (PHH) fosters and supports collaborative, public-facing Humanities research in Arts, Law, and Education at UBC-Vancouver. PHH is recruiting an interdisciplinary group of graduate students to carry out a mapping project of public humanities research support, research areas and scholars, and related public humanities activities within the landscapes of UBC-Vancouver and UBC-Okanagan. The project will prioritize the fields of:

  • Health Studies (e.g. Applied Science, Nursing, Medicine, Disability Studies, etc.)
  • The Faculties of Education, Law, and Arts
  • The wider UBC-V and UBC-O communities

PHH is particularly interested in scholars, departments, funding initiatives, and programs engaged in what appear to be humanities activities or methodologies in ways that are creative, innovative, and/or publicly engaged. The project team will define the scope of “creative, innovative, and/or publicly engaged” humanities activities for the purpose of this project and include that definition in final project deliverables. The team should deliver results in the form of a written report, utilizing data visualizations, graphics, or other methods they deem best to represent the results of the research. A short, final presentation of results to the PHH leadership team would also be welcome and encouraged.


Arts students with interdisciplinary backgrounds or research interests in medicine, health, law, or education are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications from graduate students and post-docs in the Faculty of Arts will be prioritized, but students in Education or Law will not be excluded from consideration. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until the deadline.

Position Details

Time commitment: 70 hours per person, including one required onboarding meeting with the Arts Amplifier team and some pre-work.

Compensation: $1800 stipend, to be paid as a lump sum upon completion of the work

Remote: Yes

Eligibility requirements:

  • Current Masters or Doctoral student in the UBC Faculty of Arts. You must not be on leave during the duration of the project in order to receive the stipend.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or hold refugee status in Canada (due to funding restrictions).

Application Form

Please click here to go to the application form

Application deadline: November 28, 4pm. Note: applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until the deadline. 

Questions? Contact us at arts.amplifier@ubc.ca


Currently underway, the Arts Amplifier has an interdisciplinary team of Arts graduate students working with Writing Short is Hard. Applications for this project are closed.

Project Description

Letitia Henville, PhD, is a freelance academic editor at shortishard.com. You can find her company’s mission, vision, and values on her website. Letitia is interested in hiring a small team of students to work collaboratively to write content for her blog and newsletter. Some ideas for content include: 

Letitia is also open to your ideas for blog or newsletter content that fits within her business model and that leverages your strengths & expertise. All team members in the CCP would need to work on the same general topic or project, but take different perspectives. Writing for the blog and newsletter needs to be concise (ie, no more than 800 words per piece) and to provide high-value information for readers–that is, info that they can’t find elsewhere online. No experience in writing for the web is required, but enthusiasm is, so please be prepared to tell her what you’re hoping to get out of this work experience.  

To learn more, please RSVP for the Q&A, to be held September 7, 11:30am-12:30pm on Zoom.