2022 Summer: Women Transforming Cities

This summer, the Arts Amplifier is running one collaborative, cohort-based applied research project. This project will employ a team of Arts masters or doctoral students who will work with a community partner on a project identified by that partner.

Each student team will meet with their community partner to determine the final approach taken on the project. You will divide the work according to their expertise and interests, and each person will complete a component of the project. The partner organization, as well as Amplifier staff, will provide ongoing mentorship and support.

Project Description

Women Transforming Cities (WTC) is a grassroots organization based in Vancouver working alongside equity-seeking genders to dismantle intersecting systems of oppression and transform where we live into places where everyone can belong, participate, and thrive. One such project that WTC leads is the Women Friendly Cities Challenge (WFCC): a living library of Wise Practices from around the world that helps make cities more gender-inclusive, and thus better for all.

To learn more, and to contribute to the shaping of the project, please RSVP for the April 12th Q&A.

Position Details

Number of openings: 5 positions

Time commitment: 70 hours per person, including three required onboarding meetings with the Arts Amplifier team

Compensation: $1800 stipend, to be paid as a lump sum in August 2022

Remote: Yes

Eligibility requirements: masters or doctoral student in the UBC Faculty of Arts. You must not be on leave during the duration of the project in order to receive the stipend.

Application to Participate Form

Please click here to go to the application form

Application deadline: Tuesday April 19th at 9am.